Individual Registration

Price: $40.00  $25.00

Available Options

* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Date of Birth:

Use date picker or enter date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD

* Martial Arts School:
* Instructor:
* Rank:

Please provide your rank. If black belt include degree.

* Experience:

Select your training experience level as of September 20st, 2025.

* Waiver:

I hereby make application for participation in the Golden Eagle Challenge Tournament, and upon acceptance, I sincerely pledge to obey all rules and regulations as set forth within the event and its organizers. I clearly recognize that a risk is involved in the study and practice of this martial art, and related activities, which has been completely explained to and/or understood by me and/or my parents and/or guardians.
In consideration of accepting my application for entry into this event, I do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, parents and guardians assign, release, acquit and forever discharge 518 Martial Arts, Adam Grogin, their instructors, members, volunteers, participants, agents, assistants, representatives, officers, and directors of this event , of and from any and all liability, actions, claims, demands, or suits whatsoever, which I may now or hereafter have or claim to have, on account of any injury sustained and suffered by me while traveling to or from or while practicing the techniques any related activities in connection with this event, and (if applicable) the parents and/or guardians of the applicant hereby request that this application be accepted, and in consideration thereof, agree to indemnify and release all members of Golden Eagle Martial Arts, Chris Malley, 518 Martial Arts, Adam Grogin, their instructors, members, volunteers, participants, agents, assistants, representatives, officers, and directors from all claims made or which may be made on behalf of the applicant, for the aforesaid consideration I consent that any pictures furnished by me or any pictures and/or video taken of me in connection with the organization can be used for publicity and promotion and I waive compensation in regards thereto. I clearly understand that this activity involves bodily contact, physical exertion, and exercise. I hereby accept that my participation in this event is contingent upon my good conduct and that should the proprietors of this activity determine my actions, behavior and/or attitude inappropriate in any way that my right to participate in this activity will be revoked and I shall sacrifice all fees paid. Additionally, I am fully aware of my personal medical condition and hereby certify that I am mentally and physically fit to participate in this activity.
I also affirm that I am not affiliated with any defined terrorist or extremist hate groups as recognized by the laws of the United States of America or any organization with secondary affiliation with such organizations, nor am I the subject of any criminal investigation, charges, or related activity of any type.

Competitor registration for the Golden Eagle Challenge

Competitor experience determines the number of different katas/forms that may need to be performed. It is optional to provide the competitor's chosen katas/forms. If provided they will be printed on their competitor card, however they can be changed at check in.  Use the following guidelines to determine the number of katas/forms required.

  • Grasshopper: Less than 1 year of training, 1 katas/forms required (competitor's choice to do different katas/forms)
  • Warrior: 1 - 2½ years of training, 1 katas/forms required (competitor's choice to do different katas/forms)
  • Samurai: 2½ - 4 years of training, 1 katas/forms required (competitor's choice to do different katas/forms)
  • Shogun: 4+ years of training, 5 katas/forms required
  • Black Belt: 1st°, 2nd°, and 3rd°, 5 katas/forms required
  • Master: 4th° and higher, 5 katas/forms required

GEMA 200

Early Bird Discount Ends Finding your local time... 179 Days
Golden Eagle Challenge Begins Finding your local time... 220 Days
